Thursday, May 28, 2009

LeMons: It’s like Burning Man with Rollcages

24 Hours of LeMons, an endurance race for cars worth less than $500, was started by Jay Lamm, in response to the elitist racing industry. “Regular racing had gotten way too expensive and took itself way too seriously, ” Lamm explains. “Anyone who thinks racing is going to be their career is probably high, but that's what racing has become by and large.” This year there are more than 10 LeMon races scheduled all over the US.

My buddy Heathervescent entered one of these races this past weekend. "A friend had an '83 Toyota Supra that had seen better days," says Heathervescent. "Rather than take it to junkyard for demolition, we took it to the racetrack to participate in the 2009 Goin' For Broken 24 Hours of LeMons race at the Fernley Raceway in Reno, NV."

Click HERE to find out what happened!

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